Oneida County Teen Court

What is Teen Court?

Teen Court gives youth who are first-time offenders a second chance. It also provides an opportunity for teens to make a positive impact in their communities through volunteering as a Teen Court Panelist.  Panelists work as a team to interview families and assign sanctions (consequences) utilizing Restorative Justice practices.  Their goal is to educate, not punish, so offenders can move past their mistakes in a positive way.

Oneida County Teen Court offers eligible youth an alternative to the Juvenile Court system.  It gives them an opportunity to take responsibility for their actions, learn from mistakes, and make better decisions in the future.  Research shows youth typically care a great deal about the opinions of peers, so oftentimes observations from the panelists have more of an impact than those of adults.

When juvenile offenders successfully complete their Teen Court sanctions, their case is dismissed.  The deadline to complete sanctions varies from 1 to 6 weeks.

Become a Teen Court Panelist

1. Click Join Here below to fill out an online application.


2. Download the PDF version and mail or email to Sharon Krause.

Upon receiving the application, an interview will be scheduled with Sharon Krause and current Teen Court panelists.  This is an opportunity for applicants to gain some understanding of how offenders feel when questioned while giving current panelists valuable experience they can use in future work.

About Teen Court

Teen Court panelist tour courtroom with Judge.

Why Become A Teen Court Panel Member?

Receive hands-on learning opportunities and training on local government agencies, such as law enforcement, social services, and the court system.

Youth learn from their past and make better decisions in the future.

Receive quality training from a UW-Madison educator.

Gain new contacts for job references and eligibility to receive a letter of recommendation.

Meet other youth with similar interests to yours.

Develop leadership skills.

Learn about different backgrounds and cultures.

Teen Court panelist poses in front of courthouse.

Where is Teen Court?

Oneida County Teen Court cases are heard three ways:  In person at the Courthouse in Rhinelander, in person on campus at Lakeland Union High School, or virtually over Zoom.  The residency of the offender determines the venue.

When is Teen Court?

Cases are typically heard the 4th week of the month.

For Lakeland Union High School, cases are heard on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 11:45am.

The 4th Thursday of the month, cases are heard over Zoom starting at 7:00 pm or at the Courthouse in the County Board Room beginning at 8:00 am.

Teen panelist on the bench.

Eligibility to Become Panelist

Teen Court Panel Members must be in 9th – 12th grade and undergo training to be a panel member. 

Applicants must be able to keep information confidential; be great listeners and team players; and capable of keeping up with homework when missing class. 

Past respondents who successfully completed their sanctions 1.5 or more years ago are eligible to apply.

If you are a respondent in a teen court case and need the initial paperwork, you may download them here. Click the button below that matches the paperwork needed.

Who is Eligible to Participate in Teen Court?

To be eligible to participate in Teen Court, a youth offender must be referred by the county department of social services, the county district attorney, the department of Natural Resources, or the Circuit or Municipal Court.  In addition, the youth offender MUST meet EACH of the following requirements.

The youth offender must be between the ages of 10 and 16 (17-18 year old, 1st time alcohol offenders), be a first time offender and have committed a misdemeanor crime or ordinance violation such as:

  • Tobacco or Alcohol Offenses
  • Obstructing
  • Curfew Violations
  • Truancy
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Shopping, Theft, Vandalism
  • DNR Violations – Chapters 23, 29, 30, 350 or NR45.

Youth offender must admit to committing the offense they have been charged with.

Youth offender must be willing to participate in Teen Court and be willing to follow its rules.

Youth offender must have a parent or legal guardian who is willing to accompany them to Teen Court.




Language Accessibility:

Please make requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational programs as early as possible preceding the scheduled program, service, or activity. For communicative accommodations in languages other than English, please contact, Jessica Young, 715-365-2750. For communicative accommodations based on a disability, please contact Heather Lipinski Stelljes at: for the public.



Need further assistance? Contact:

Sharon Krause, Oneida County Community Youth Development Educator

Cell: 608-381-2661

Work: 715-365-2750



Support Extension