Making Pickles or Relishes? Don’t Forget to Read the Labels!

Vinegar Acidity and Why It Matters! Cucumbers are now in season, that means many of us will begin to collect our harvest and make pickles, salsas, and relishes. But did you know that vinegar is the key component in home-preserved acidified foods? Not only is it used for the taste (YUM), but vinegar is also […]

Nutrition Nibbles: Why should you eat PROTEIN?

Protein is found in animal products such as meat, eggs, milk, and cheese. It is also found in nuts, seeds, beans, and peas. Protein is important because when consumed it helps repair our muscles/cells and is also the building blocks for enzymes, hormones, and vitamins. Varying your protein food choices is important to get a […]

Simple Skills to Help Manage Stress – by Terri Kolb, Extension Educator

Submitted by: Terri Kolb Health and Well-Being Educator University of Wisconsin Madison-Division of Extension Forest and Oneida County Noticing Positive Events is a skill worth learning. Research with different types of chronically stressed people – caregivers, people with serious illness, people dealing with the loss of a loved one, etc., have taught us that most of the […]

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