Farm Succession Planning FREE WEBINAR

Getting Started on Your Farm Succession Plan – Extension webinar on Dec 15 at Noon

Have you been thinking about planning for your farm’s future, but you’re not sure where to start? Do you have a family member or someone outside of the family interested in coming into the farm business, but you don’t know how to have that first conversation? Join UW-Madison Division of Extension Farm Succession Outreach Specialist, Joy Kirkpatrick, on Friday, December 15, 2023, from noon – 12:45 pm for the Getting Started on Your Farm Succession Plan webinar. 

This webinar will introduce you to resources to help you answer these three questions:

  1. Where is the farm now?
  2. Where do you want it to be?
  3. How do you get there?

Farm businesses can make their time with agriculture service professionals more efficient if they can work on the first two questions with their family and farming partners. This short webinar will introduce you to five actionable steps you can take to get started on your farm succession plan.

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