Youth Summer Theater Program – Rhinelander

Returning July 21-26, 2025!

at the Lakeside Center at Nicolet Area Technical College

Oneida County 4-H is partnering with the Missoula Children’s Theatre, to present a one-week, live performing arts opportunity for youth entering grades 1-12 in Oneida County (public/private/homeschool). Two professional actor/directors will come to Rhinelander for one week to direct a full-scale musical starring up to 60 local school-aged children.

Registration is now open! REGISTER BY JUNE 13!

Audition & Rehearsal Schedule

Monday (Group Audition Day):

7:40-8 a.m. Please arrive anytime between 7:40-8 a.m. to have your child check-in. Parents of youth in elementary grade levels physically must accompany their child through check-in. Parents of older students, it’s not required to accompany your student through check-in, but encouraged. This is also a good time for students to use the rest room and place their water bottle (or snack from home) on the table.

8-9:45 a.m. Group Audition: *Parents are not required to stay for the auditions; however, sometimes we have had children feel nervous and not want to participate in the group audition without a parent present. We will not force anyone to participate in the group audition. Please know that the only way cast roles are handed out is through participating in the group audition.

9:45-10 a.m.: Cast roles and schedules for the week are handed out. Important information will be announced to cast members and parents. All parents are encouraged to be here for this portion so they know whether their child needs a ride home or not, unless their child has a way of communicating with them directly. If your child does not have rehearsal at 10:15 a.m., your child will need a ride home. Supervision is not provided for youth outside of rehearsal or snack times.

10-10:15 a.m. Snack

10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Rehearsal #1 – Stage or Commons


8-10 a.m.: Rehearsal #1

10-10:15 a.m.: Snack

10:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. : Rehearsal #2: Auditorium & Commons


8-10 a.m.: Rehearsal #1: Auditorium & Commons

10-10:15 a.m.: Snack

10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Rehearsal #2: Auditorium & Commons


BRING A BROWN PAPER BAG TO REHEARSAL BY TODAY – THURSDAY! Each student MUST BRING A BAG (a brown paper bag or large gift bag works best!) that is labeled with their (1) FULL NAME and (2) CHARACTER ROLE. Costumes will be placed into each bag on Thursday.

8-10 a.m.: Rehearsal #1: Auditorium & Commons

10-10:15 a.m.: Snack

10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Rehearsal #2: Auditorium & Commons


8-11 a.m.: Dress Rehearsal (If there is a parent or two who can help with costumes from 8-9 a.m. – that would be appreciated!)

11-11:30 a.m.: Ice Cream Social

11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Rehearsal #2: Stage or Commons


11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Performance Preparations

1-2 p.m. Performance (Lakeside Center Theater – Nicolet Area Technical College)

2-3 p.m. On-stage photos; Costume Returns; Turn in Evaluation; Set take-down help needed – Thank you!


Sliding fee scale of $40-$80 per youth participant. Payments can be made online or by cash or check. Checks can be made payable to: “Oneida County 4-H Leaders’ Association”. If your child is not cast in the musical, stop by the registration table after the group audition and we will return your cash or check, (or if you paid online, we would issue a refund by cash). Please note that if you choose to pay online, there will be an additional fee for processing that is non-refundable.

The true cost of this program is $80 per youth. Oneida County 4-H is committed to making the arts accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. To support this goal, we offer a sliding fee scale based on a family’s ability to pay. If your family would be in need of additional financial assistance, please email Anne at or call 715-365-2750. 

Option 1: $40

Option 2: $60

Option 3: $80

Families will choose which level they can pay for the program.

If your family is in need of financial assistance in order for youth to participate, please email Anne Williams at or call 715-365-2750.


Please note that families will be responsible for providing their children with a healthy snack this year.

About the Group Audition

The Group Audition is an experience on its own! There is no limit to the number of youths who may audition. Every child at the audition has an equal chance of being cast. There is a chance that not all of the children auditioning will receive a part, it depends on the number of roles available (usually 50-60), and the number of youths who audition.

Everyone who participates in the group audition will receive an Audition Certificate! No advance preparation is necessary to participate in the group audition! A smile never hurts, though! Just be ready to come and have a good time!

All youth who would like an opportunity to participate in the program, including youth who would like to be cast as Assistant Directors, must participate in the group audition. The group audition is a two-hour session.

Youth who wish to audition must arrive by the scheduled start time and must stay for the entire length of the audition session (2 hours).

Please note that some cast members may have their very first rehearsal right after auditions end. The rehearsal session after auditions will be two hours long.

The show is cast at the sole discretion of the Missoula Children’s Theater (MCT) Actor/Directors, and roles will be announced at the end of the audition. The actors/directors will ensure no youth is singled out and will do their very best to ensure all youth leave auditions with a positive feeling!

PLEASE NOTE: There is a maximum cast size for this program.

If youth are not able to attend the group audition, they will not be able to participate in the program. The group audition is an important part of the process; it provides the MCT team the opportunity to assess the abilities of the youth auditioning in order to cast them in the role that is just right for them. The entire length of the program is one week, which does not provide extra time to hold more than one audition session.

About Rehearsals

Although not all cast members will be needed at every rehearsal, those selected after the auditions must be able to attend all the rehearsals required for their role and must be available for all scheduled performances. Putting on an entire show in one week brings challenges, it helps to know expectations on participation in advance. A detailed rehearsal schedule is distributed to youth at the conclusion of auditions on MONDAY. Youth should expect to rehearse a total of 4 hours and 15 minutes each day (two-hour rehearsal, 15-minute snack break, two-hour rehearsal). Not all cast members will be needed at every rehearsal, but it is imperative that all youth who audition have a clear schedule on the week of the program.

THURSDAY: BRING A BROWN PAPER BAG TO REHEARSAL ON THURSDAY! Each student MUST BRING A BAG (a brown paper bag or large gift bag works best!) that is labeled with their (1) FULL NAME and (2) CHARACTER ROLE. Costumes will be placed into each bag on Thursday.

The Performance

The musical performance will take place at 1 p.m. on Saturday. There is no admission price, cost is free, but donations are always appreciated! This musical will have no intermission.

Cast will be called for costumes 60-90 minutes prior to the performance time.

MCT will sell t-shirts throughout rehearsal week and following the show.

After the final performance, the team will check-in costumes, break down the set, and load up their little red truck. Additional help from cast members and family is greatly appreciated for this process!


  • During Designated Rehearsal Times: Participants will be under the supervision of the Missoula Children’s Theatre Inc. Actor/Directors. Please remember that as part of the registration process, youth participants agreed to follow the Wisconsin 4-H Code of Conduct.
  • Before or After Designated Rehearsal Times: Parents and guardians will be responsible for the supervision of their child.

Oneida County 4-H DOES NOT provide supervision outside of audition, snack time, and rehearsal times. Youth who only have rehearsals throughout the week will need to be picked up by a parent/guardian (or approved pick-up person) immediately following their last rehearsal of the day. Please review your child’s rehearsal schedule when they receive it on Monday to see when they have rehearsals and when they will need to be picked up.


It is understandable that youth may become ill during the week of the show, and the MCT team do their very best to accommodate a missed rehearsal due to illness. Unfortunately, due to the short time frame the cast has to prepare for the performance, if youth miss more than one day of rehearsals it may not be possible for them to participate in the role they were cast.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Youth Can Also Expect

  • This program may require some waiting…not every participant can be on the stage practicing all the time. There will be times during the week when youth will have to practice their skills in waiting. MCT actors/directors will do their best to keep youth engaged as much as possible, but there will be times when participants will need to wait quietly, especially back stage, or while watching other youth or groups onstage.
  • There is a maximum cast size for this program. While we truly believe every youth brings a special talent with them to auditions, casting is limited to the amount of roles available. Please discuss this with your child(ren) ahead of time so they are prepared.
  • There are many talented children with interest in the performing arts here in our community; there may not be a role for everyone who auditions. If your child is not cast in the show, remember that auditions do not always seem fair. With many students auditioning for a limited number of roles the decisions of the MCT Tour Actor/Directors are always very difficult.
    • Should your child not receive a role this time, we encourage you to consider the following:
      • Give your child some time.
      • Talk about it – what was their favorite part of auditioning?
      • Discuss what they could do even better next time.
        • They may choose to work on their singing and acting skills so that the next time they audition they will be even better prepared.
        • Or, maybe they will decide that even though they enjoy going to the theater, they don’t have a driving desire to be on stage themselves.
        • Talk about all of the activities they enjoy and feel success doing, and go do one of these activities!

How one responds to disappointment is a tremendous test of character. Children will look to parents/guardians as an example of how to react. Compliment them for their efforts and for taking a risk by auditioning for the show!

Why You SHOULD Participate!

  • The Youth Summer Theater Program is INCLUSIVE! All youth in grades 1-12 are welcome to audition – no experience is necessary!
  • An opportunity for youth to try something new and challenge themselves!
  • An opportunity for youth to gain life skills, such as, creativity, communication, decision-making, problem solving, caring for others, and healthy choices!
  • The Youth Summer Theater Program builds self-esteem, confidence, and resiliency in youth!
  • Gives youth the chance to meet and work with two professional actors/directors, as well as the chance to meet new friends!
  • A chance to be with other youth/individuals that share your interests!

Need an Accommodation?

Accessibility is important to Oneida County 4-H. UW-Madison’s Division of Extension is committed to creating an accessible, inclusive, and equitable experience for all program participants. In partnership with the McBurney Disability Resource Center at UW-Madison, the division evaluates and responds to requests for disability accommodation(s), in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Learn more online here or email or call 715-365-2750 to learn more.

Need Language Access?

Accessibility is important to Oneida County 4-H. UW-Madison’s Division of Extension offers translation, interpretation, and content review services 4-H programs. Please email or call 715-365-2750 to inquire about these services.

Accommodations and language access can be requested to UW-Extension Oneida County by May 13.


 Questions? Need clarification? Contact Oneida County 4-H Staff:

Photo of Anne Williams.

Anne Williams, Oneida County UW-Extension 4-H Program Educator

Phone: 715-365-2750     Email:

Find us on Facebook!


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