Home » Health & Well Being » StrongBodies

StrongBodies is a strength training for anyone desiring to slow down the bone and muscle loss process. Women and men of all ages and abilities are welcome. Each class includes progressive weight training, flexibility, and balance activities.

Accommodation Requests:
Accessibility is important to Extension Oneida County. UW-Madison’s Division of Extension is committed to creating an accessible, inclusive, and equitable experience for all program participants. In partnership with the McBurney Disability Resource Center at UW-Madison, the division evaluates and responds to requests for disability accommodation(s), in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Learn more online here or email jyoung43@wisc.edu or call 715-365-2750 to learn more.
Language Accessibility:
Please make requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational programs as early as possible preceding the scheduled program, service, or activity. For communicative accommodations in languages other than English, please contact jyoung43@wisc.edu, Jessica Young, 715-365-2750. For communicative accommodations based on a disability, please contact Heather Lipinski Stelljes at: heather.stelljes@wisc.edu for the public.
Laurel Parins
Health and Well Being Educator
UW-Madison Extension, Oneida County
Phone: 715-365-2750
Email: lparins@wisc.edu