4-H Community Clubs in Oneida County

There is one active 4-H community club in Oneida County:

The Northwoods Explorers 4-H Club meets from 4-5:30 p.m. once a month at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Rhinelander. All youth in grades K-12 (public/private/homeschool) are welcome to attend these 4-H club gatherings! The Northwoods Explorers 4-H Club focuses on providing youth with opportunities to explore their “sparks” (interests), help others through service learning, and develop leadership and citizenship skills.

Northwoods Explorers 4-H Club Schedule:

4-5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 27

4-5:30 p.m. Sunday, May 18

4-5:30 p.m. Sunday, June 8

4-5:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 24

If these dates or times don’t work for your family, 4-H community clubs can be started any time and can take place in any community in Oneida County. All it takes is one caring adult and 3 interested families to start a new club! 4-H staff are here to help every step of the way.


In a 4-H club, youth lead each gathering! Every youth member has an important leadership role, including President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Historian, Pledge Leader, Snack Helper, Recreation Leader and more! Club members vote on every decision the club makes – only youth get to vote! Club members also practice using basic parliamentary procedure, which is what many groups in the “real world,” such as government leaders and church leadership groups, use to make group decisions!

Youth gather around a poster on the wall to add pictures to it.

Youth club members are also very aware of their club’s budget – and each month they plan on how to use their money wisely, incorporating ways to help others, ways for club members to learn new things, and also ways they can have fun together! The Northwoods Explorers 4-H Club is geared toward youth seeking leadership, civic engagement, and service learning experience.

A 4-H youth helps a resident of a nursing home place markers on a bingo card.
A 4-H youth gives a demonstration to youth gathered around a table.
Three 4-H youths hold pens in their hands while sitting at a table, contemplating something.

A 4-H Community Club…

is made up of 5 or more youth, guided by a certified adult 4-H volunteer leader and/or 4-H Educator, and meets regularly in an inclusive community space. Youth are elected to guide the activities of the club and all youth members are given opportunities to make decisions and share their ideas. 4-H Community Clubs are excellent ways for youth to gain confidence and leadership skills, meet new friends and participate in new experiences, becoming more independent and resilient.

4Hers decorating graham crackers
4Hers doing a science project with rocks.

4-H Clubs Are…

Regular gatherings that are fun and give youth the opportunity to:

Socialize and make new friends.

Find help exploring topics of interest.

Explore leadership opportunities.

Take part in culturally-specific activities.

4-H Clubs Offer…

Small-group learning.

Caring adult volunteers that are screened, trained, and guided by UW-Extension staff.

Research-based curriculum and best practices for non-formal learning.

Support to help youth dive deeper into their projects and learning.

4Her group photo




Language Accessibility:

Please make requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational programs as early as possible preceding the scheduled program, service, or activity. For communicative accommodations in languages other than English, please contact jyoung43@wisc.edu, Jessica Young, 715-365-2750. For communicative accommodations based on a disability, please contact Heather Lipinski Stelljes at: heather.stelljes@wisc.edu for the public.



 Questions? Need clarification? Contact Oneida County 4-H Staff:

Photo of Anne Williams.

Anne Williams, Oneida County UW-Extension 4-H Program Educator

Phone: 715-365-2750     Email: apwilliams@wisc.edu

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