
4Hers raking the ground


Participation, safety, personal development, learning and fun are the highest priorities for the Cloverbuds project.

Cloverbuds Will…..

Explore and learn their 4-H Club.

Practice and develop different skills.

Explore and learn 4-H activities and events.

Explore the community.

Discover areas of project interest.

Share what they’ve learned with others.

4H Cloverbuds pose in front of museum display

4H volunteer receiving award

Cloverbud Leaders

Cloverbud project leaders are encouraged to use curriculum materials developed specifically for youth in grades K-3rd. 4-H materials developed for older youth are not appropriate for younger children because they do not meet developmental needs. Volunteer leaders also have the responsibility to communicate regularly with families, explaining the program, and encouraging involvement.

Sign Up For Cloverbuds!

Registration is free and super easy!

Participate as much or little as you want/are able to!

Register for 4-H and select Cloverbuds (1st year) as the project.

4Her holding Join 4-H sign




Language Accessibility:

Please make requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational programs as early as possible preceding the scheduled program, service, or activity. For communicative accommodations in languages other than English, please contact, Jessica Young, 715-365-2750. For communicative accommodations based on a disability, please contact Heather Lipinski Stelljes at: for the public.



 Questions? Need clarification? Contact Oneida County 4-H Staff:

Photo of Anne Williams.

Anne Williams, Oneida County UW-Extension 4-H Program Educator

Phone: 715-365-2750     Email:

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